Lynx Studio Technology

We worked extensively with Lynx on a range of projects – deep-diving into the user interface logic of their hardware interfaces, completely redesigning and recoding their official website, and photographing the product line up.

'Studio mood' photography
Hilo UX/UI interactive design and product photography
Aurora UX/UI interactive design and product photography

Lynx’s products are extremely versatile, which created many deep usability complexities to be solved. The crossover of technical knowledge between user interface design and music production theory was key to unlocking the true potential of the products.

We designed both the hardware interface and the corresponding desktop app to control Lynx’s hardware remotely.

NControl desktop app
Screens from the Hilo touch-screen interface

We designed and coded Lynx’s new website, making it easy for the user to find out about the latest products, and to satisfy other primary user journeys such as firmware downloads and more generalised customer support.

Users can also buy directly from Lynx through the site, with Stripe payment integration.

Landing page with hero product
Products page

Take a look around the live site!